WARNING: This post might make you hungry.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. No commercial yuck, just family, friends, and food. The things that nourish the body and soul. I tend to be absorbed by the busy holiday cooking and eating (and even, yes… shopping this year – despite my objections to Black Friday). I don’t like to miss a moment of Thanksgiving – especially not to blog. I hope you took time to enjoy the best things in life over your break, too.
I managed to take a few photos to share of our awesome weekend in-between bites of turkey, dressing, and cranberry (jellied, of course).
I counted quite a few blessings…
{ side note: VERY thankful 4 Instagram! }
First we visited Aunt Terry’s and had fun with Kevin’s mom’s side of the family. I love Aunt Terry’s little piece of Texas heaven in College Station. She has an amazing garden with pathways and roaming chickens. The kids love her swings and trampoline.
The little dude dropped her “Pontin” (pumpkin) and broke the handle off.
I’m thankful that sweet Aunt Terry cooked and opened her home even though she had a cold.
Morgan wore her “fall” dress. I love orange. Wish I had one just like it (and was thin enough to do it justice). Did I mention that I’m going back on my diet again after we eat up the leftovers?
I’m so thankful for the provisions that God has blessed us with this year – and for our family.
I’m certainly THANKFUL for my four blessings.
As adamantly against Black Friday as I am, I couldn’t resist these two woodland creatures when we went to get some shoes for me and the baby.
Thankful for God’s forest creatures big and small. I heart owls and foxes.
I’ve been needing tennis shoes for years. I found a 120$ pair of Merrell’s for 40$ at Gander Mountain. My husband thinks the neon orange and yellow is tacky, but I adore them.
And of course, there was eating to be done. Uncle Richy stole the show again this year with his newest creation: Buffalo Chicken Caesar Salad. I normally go back for seconds of turkey and dressing, but since this was my THIRD Thanksgiving meal, the Buffalo Chicken Caesar Salad had my FULL attention.
I was thankful for something besides turkey… even though I still am a huge Thanksgiving meal fan. I’ll give the rest of my family a few months before I bake another big bird. They aren’t as fond of dressing and cranberry as mama. However, my son gave me the biggest compliment ever this year : “Mama, you make the best dressing I have ever eaten. I love it.” He even tried it with cranberry this year and found that he likes it! #score!
And I won’t even mention Richard’s bacon and potato sauteed green beans. There are. no. words.
#Thankful is an understatement. Yes, I just used a hashtag – for emphasis. #YUMMO
And of course there was a visit to my friend Bon’s house for preschool play time. She shared one of her oranges from the tree in her back yard with us. K8 was an awesome host. She talked Koko in to painting her nails. Shhh! Don’t tell daddy!
I’m thankful for my tiny tots. They “keep me young” (sometimes I think they are actually doing the opposite – but they are always fun and snuggly, even when they get in trouble).
{ How can you be mad at them when they are so cute??? }
Juicy oranges… yum!
I’m thankful for friends that share.
And Grandma Betty and Grandpa Keith made us yummy steaks and twice-baked baked-potatoes. Those are the kids’ favorite dish that Grandma Betty makes. Her Taste of Texas knives are boss!
I’m thankful for my in-laws – all four of them!
On the way home we played Christmas music on my new wireless speaker and sang our voices hoarse. I bought a Ballistic Case and a Jam Bluetooth Speaker at AT&T after I DROPPED MY GALAXY III and cracked the screen. I’m thankful that it was only a hairline crack and the phone is still usable The places I checked in to fixing it were $290 and up. I’m just going to keep it in the case until I get my upgrade in May. Learn from my mistakes and never keep a cell phone without a heavy duty case!
I’m trying to get my gumption up to tackle the tree and decorating. So far, it makes me tired thinking about it – despite the Christmas music reverie.
I’m thankful for my growing collection of Christmas music (even though the red album at Starbucks this year was a sad disappointment).
{ What did YOU do over Thanksgiving Break? … and What are YOU thankful for? }
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P.S. I used an Amazon affiliate link on the bluetooth speaker. I love mine. It charges like a cell phone so it can go wireless like your phone.
I just posted my Thanksgiving pictures. They will show up tomorrow morning. It has been a busy week..
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