Remember my last weigh in? The one at the first of the year? It said 150 lbs. – just in case you forgot! On day 28, I have lost 6.4 lbs so far.
I made it through my diet bet challenge with flying colors. Right at the end, I squeaked by with .6 lbs over my goal.
Truth be known, I woke up and thought my weigh in was the following day, so I went ahead and ate breakfast, drank some water, took a shower (wet long hair weighs more than dry hair) and then checked my email. I freaked out and ran upstairs to weigh and was a tad OVER my goal. I had to strip naked to get this shot (my poor 14 year old daughter had to hold the phone for me).
Someone on in my challenge lost her bet by .2 lbs. I told her I would have probably cut off my hair if it came that close. I have worked hard for this. Exercised almost daily, and been really good about using My Fitness Pal to track my calories. There has been much junk food and chocolate passed over. I am so happy that I won!
Not sure yet what the pot will be – everyone is still weighing in. The entry fee was only 10$, and there were 750 people who entered. Now the $7500 pot will be split with those who won by meeting their goals. Who knows – maybe we could get as much as 75$ if only 100 of us won? It will probably be more like 30-50$. Still, not bad!
Totally worth it for the motivation. The real reward isn’t the money, though. It is fitting in to a smaller sized jeans and taking long walks with my kids – knowing that my decision to get fit is going to impact their future health.
What’s holding you back?
{ Get your tennis-shoes on and get out there! }
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PS: I promise to get those toenails painted and clipped. Wearing socks and boots all winter really keeps your toes ugly. Eeewwww.
Quick Links:
Fed Up 2 Fit Challenge
Week 1 Update
Fed Up 2 Fit : Week 2, Baby Steps
Fed Up 2 Fit : Week 3, Meet My FitBit
Congratulations! 🙂
Congrats Heather! I can’t find my mojo so I lost my $10. Just so cold here and I hate to workout at home. Excuses, excuses….